Personal development has been a huge part of my life in recent years. Reaching a point where I didn’t feel good about myself, feeling lost without direction and tired of ending up in the same circumstances. A moment happened where I consciously decided to be better and grow and that was the start of change.
“It is in your moments decision that your destiny is shaped” - Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins' Netflix special ‘I Am Not Your Guru’ inspired me in so many ways, so much so that I attended his seminar Date with Destiny in Gold Coast the following year (2018) alongside my best mate Te Haunui Tuna. This was a $5,000 ticket for a 5 day experience which at the time was a lot of money but the value received made it highly worth it.
That same year I was part of a national Māori leadership kaupapa called Tuia that supports rangatahi Māori throughout the country who are doing amazing things in their communities. This opened my eyes to a deeper beauty of Te Ao Māori as we traveled to different parts of Aotearoa, staying in marae, learning about places of significance, hearing stories of our tipuna and building meaningful connections with other like minded Māori. It was transformative and all inspiring.
One single decision can change the course of your life
It changes your thinking
It changes your perspective
It changes how you move
It’s not just deciding but it’s following through.
I threw myself into new environments where I met new people and learnt new things. As my awareness grew I felt a deeper connection to myself and even more so when I started my healing journey. Going through the processes of forgiveness, letting go, shame and vulnerability helped me to release trauma but it also propelled me into manifesting dreams.
Because of that one decision and a series of experiences my life has truly transformed in a way that I couldn’t have imagined before. I had no idea of what I was doing or where I was going, all I knew is that the path I was on felt good, so I kept going.
My changes have welcomed a life of meaning that has led me to create my own space for others to walk a similar transformative path called ‘Te Ara Hou’. Te Ara Hou is a combination of all of the experiences that have influenced my journey up until this point. There are over 50 people connected to this kaupapa from different backgrounds and for different reasons.
It consists of a 6 week online course that has been created to help build a better understanding of self and to support people towards finding their purpose. There are weekly Zoom meetings called ‘Growth Sessions’ which is a consistent space where whanau show up to fill their cups. There are also 4 in-person wānanga/events throughout the year that provide an opportunity to come together, build deeper connections and to further explore growth in an intentional way.
The journey is best shared alongside others
You don’t have to go it alone
You feel supported
You build meaningful connections
You’re a mirror to your surroundings and the people around you - that can change with you.
If you find you’re wanting to take your life to the next level - I encourage you to consider Te Ara Hou and book a one on one call with me here.
Take the leap into positive transformation my friends - I got you!
Big bless,
